by Petra Zucker ’22
It’s the night before a huge test, and you haven’t studied at all﹘we’ve all been there! High School learning specialists Shelby Tager and Scott Kornberg offer tips about avoiding getting yourself into this situation in the first place.
Tip #1 (ST): Gather all the notes from the unit (either class notes, own notes, or handouts), get organized and make sure you understand everything.
Tip #2 (ST): Look at the topics that are being assessed and make sure you have all of the information necessary for them.
Tip #3 (ST): Write questions on the information and see if you can answer them.
Tip #4 (SK): Do not procrastinate! Know what’s on your schedule around a week in advance and start studying then.
Tip #5 (SK): Study in smaller increments and build up over time. For example, study one thing one day, another the next, and then both the day after.
Tip #6 (SK): Check the calendar every day and plan out when you’re going to study for certain subjects and work on specific assignments.
Tip #7 (SK): If you know you need more help with one particular topic, spend more time focusing on that specific topic and seek out extra help.
Tip #8 (SK): Meet with teachers, form study groups and then study on your own.
Tip #9 (ST & SK): Keep up with nightly homework, so long-term assignments aren’t an issue. This way, you can break it down into smaller pieces and won’t be as overwhelmed, and it will get done at a more manageable rate rather than panicking the night before.