by Ary Hammerman ’25

Junior Aliza Sapiro Polishook, President of TLS, wishes to focus on cultivating a strong working relation between the committees and the student government executive board in order to be as productive as possible.
“Last year, I worked closely with Ben and Ilan [Vice President and President, 2022] and this year, everyone on the executive board plans to be very involved in the committees,” Sapiro Polishook said. “We plan to have one person on the executive board at each committee meeting and we want to ensure we are in constant communication with the committee chairs and vice-chairs.”
Junior Lily Jacobson is the chair of the student advocacy committee. Her role is to communicate with the faculty, maintenance, and facilities staff at TLS, as well as to manage those in the advocacy committee. She wants to ensure that all committee tasks get done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
“I think some challenges will be to get things accomplished in the time frame we want because of complicated logistics, but if we keep pressing hard, fighting and advocating for what we want to get done, I think it will be accomplished,” Jacobson said.
Sophomore Kayla Lindenbaum is also a member of the advocacy committee. This is her first experience working on student government, but she has many ideas for how to improve TLS.
“One idea that I have is to simplify the bussing organization by putting a sign by Antonella’s office which would show the bus numbers and where it is in the driveway to make it easier in different weather,” Lindenbaum said. “Another idea is because the lounges are always so full, I think we should have more seating around school, like in hallways, like couches and armchairs around school. I personally am searching around just to find a place to sit during kehilah and the lounges are packed. I wouldn’t want to just sit on the floor.”
Junior Mitchell Breakstone is the chair of the student experience committee, and he is responsible for facilitating group discussions and communicating with the executive board. He is intent on improving the TLS experience for all students.
“We are trying to create as many bonding experiences as possible,” Breakstone said. “I love planning events that will make other people happy and excited to bring more spirit to our Kehilah. I feel that I will have the best opportunity to do that through the experience committee.”
Sophomore Etti Greenspan is a member of the student experience committee and she would like to increase TLS school spirit.
We definitely want to improve shavruach, it’s been getting better every year and we want to do even better this year,” Greenspan said. “Having more spirit in our school in general is something we have been working on a lot.”
Other members of the experience committee include Shugie Shvil (vice-chair), Natalie Allon (vice-chair), Shira Kohn (vice-chair), Leah Raich, Andrew Amona, Yamit Drotman, Rena Hammerman, and Natalie Flaxman.
Other members of the advocacy committee include Zoe Alsfine (vice-chair), Eden Shwartz (vice-chair), Lyla Souccar (vice-chair), Kate Glick, Zack Sklae, Elisha Feuerstein, Gabby Brown, and Jojo Abecasis.
Overall, the committees look forward to helping to improve TLS.
“I love TLS and I want to do my part in helping it be the best school it can be,” Lindenbaum said.