By: Maya Rotman
Were you wondering what has changed at SW over the summer for the new 2018-2019 academic school year? Check out the following nine highlights to find out!
1. Over the summer, SW worked on some renovations! They took down all the old TV/VCRs that had been mounted in classrooms, so now teachers and students don’t have to worry about bumping their heads everytime they walk in the front of the class. Also, in room 205 they switched out the trapezoidal desks for smaller ones that are easier to move around and create more space for classroom movement. In addition, the hallway outside of the STEAM classrooms is in the process of being renovated. The new changes over the summer include new tiles and orange and blue walls!
2. SW is proud to welcome some new teachers into our halls. We have Dr. Wasser in Rabbinics and Mr. Idan in E2. Mr. Harless, who taught Physics at SW in the past, has returned. In addition, Mr. MacLean will be here for about 2 months to take over Ms. Bloch’s English classes while she is on leave. Mr. Koval, a retired SW teacher, is coming back to cover for Ms. Bloom for about three months while she is on maternity leave.
3. SW has said goodbye to Sage and welcomed Five Star as the new catering company for all of our lunch and Shabbaton needs!
4. Student Government is working hard with High School Student Life Coordinator Joshua Ull in order to increase the ruach in SW during the time of the holidays and to make the holidays as impactful as possible.
5. In an effort to raise money to renovate the student lounges, Student Government sold school supplies and personalized SW calendars over the summer. During the year, they will be selling doughnuts and bagels in the morning, and then making some exciting changes to the lounges!
6. Student Government is working on updating its constitution for the student body of 2018-2019. They are looking to reevaluate the structure of committees and election procedures, as well as solidify changes that have already been discussed.
7. This year, the annual Leadership Shabbaton is being expanded; all current leaders and those interested in learning about leadership are expected to join, including all sports captains, club leaders, and Student Government members.
8. The vending machines have been updated to reflect a survey that was sent out at the end of last year asking students what kinds of snacks they would like to see in the vending machines. Be sure to check them out!
9. Lastly, the Student Government and the administration have partnered to install automatic water bottle fillers around the school in an effort to encourage the students to use reusable water bottles. Over 1000 bottles have already been saved!