By Naomi Kellman ’25
Flipping the calendar page, you see the word “September” in big, block letters staring at you. If you are a student, this is the time when you roll your eyes, complain and express just how much you DO NOT want to go back to school. But, do Leffell teachers feel the same?

“When I walked in on the first day of school, my first thought was that I was excited to see the students and my colleagues again,” Science teacher Aaron Kogut said. “I think Leffell is an amazing and special place, and I feel lucky to be a part of the wonderful people in this community.”
To many teachers, differences in the physical environment have affected their mindsets for the new school year.
“Something that stood out to me was the new layout in the Media Center,” Math teacher Mark Kronenberg said. “To see the SMART boards in each room working gave me hope for a successful new school year.”
Additionally, the communal atmosphere that was created by the faculty and students made this year’s first day of school different from past years.
“Seeing everyone’s smiling faces and energy and excitement for learning made a difference for the start of this school year,” High School Principal Eric Bassin said. “My thought was that it finally felt normal and great! It seemed like the school was back to the way it had been before COVID, reconnecting with one another.”
Along with the enthusiasm to jump into a new school year, faculty members had a variety of gripes.
“The staff, faculty and kids are what make this job gratifying, but the traffic getting to school is difficult,” HS Psychologist Dr. Bill Blank said.
However, at the end of the day, the teachers delight in the opportunity to teach TLS students.
“On the first day of school, I felt the excitement of embarking on another possibility to teach Torah,” Talmud teacher Dr. Eric Wasser said.
Even new teachers feel the drive to share meaningful conversations with students.
“I’m always excited to meet my students for the first time,” Science teacher Scott Boulding said. “Having a great job at a great school is being able to share my passion with my students.”